Monday, April 21, 2014

Tchaikovsky en La Noche

I haven't really talked about Santander and I'm a little sad I haven't. I figured this post would be dedicated strictly to the city I'm in. After all, I am living here for the next month and a half. It's insane that my journey to Europe has already been over a month. Time has really flown by, but as they say, it tends to do that when you're having fun. Soon I'll be on the flight home wondering where in the heck my three months went.

In case you wondering, yes it is 11 pm here. And yes, I am listening to Tchaikovsky as I write. If I am sound prodigious in my language or my style is eloquent it's because my brain neurons are firing. I hear your brain thanks you when you listen to classical music. Apparently is stimulates brain function. I believe it. They have all these tests out there if you don't believe me.

So Santander. It's beautiful. Every morning I walk to class and when I look down from the top of the hill over the harbor, it takes my breath away every time. This is what I see:

And yes, if you're wondering, I take those stairs. I counted them over the weekend. There's 315. One way. Which means in a day I take 630. If you know math. And sometimes I take walks to the upper part of town. Okay, most days I do after Comida (big meal of the day at lunchtime). Which means 1,260. On a day where I'm feeling particularly spunky, like two days ago and the day before that, I take them three times and run the third. Are you following me? That's a lot of steps. But it's worth it every time I get to the top. I see the laundry hanging outside on the lines and I sigh. A piece of (I know I'm a male, but I'm sensitive) me will always belong to this town. I know that this won't be the last time I'm here. I've fallen in love. I mean, if you saw this view every day on your way to classes wouldn't you? Did you know it's the only city on the northern coast of Spain that faces south? Betcha' didn't! Well now you do. I couldn't be happier here.

Also good news (a little off the topic of Santander, but it's relevant)! I just sent my Letter on Intent to Fulbright through Oregon State and if all goes as planned I will be teaching Spanish and English in Costa Rica. It's relevant because 1.) my host mom has a daughter in Costa Rica and 2.) I am learning Spanish here and will have the opportunity to go abroad again. Which means more adventures for this traveling giraffe.

Back to Santander. It is the capitol of the autonomous community of Cantabria. Which all cities, big and small, are amazing here. There are a lot of small (VERY SMALL) little towns. But in the summer they boom with "gente de Madrid con mucho dinero, mucho mucho dinero." The words of my host mom. She cracks me up.

Tomorrow I am off to Comillas and Santillana. Which I am excited about. When I went to my host mom's other house in Comillas we drove past Santillana and I really wanted to stop. It looks like a stereotypical country town in Spain that you see in the movies. Exploring will be nice. As expected of me, I will take photos.

Hasta Luego.

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